
How Much Money You Should Have Accumulated By Age To Retire? Are you Behind or Ahead of the Average?

How much do you need to retire? The amount varies, but Fidelity’s rule of thumb seems to line up with the general consensus that you should have 10x your income saved up by age 67. By age, this is where you should be according to Fidelity. Example: Income: $300,000 Amount you should have saved by 67: $3,000,000 Monthly allocation over 25 years of retirement:...

Retirees Fleeing the Expensive U.S. are Discovering Belize

Retirees are fleeing the U.S. for more affordable green pastures abroad. The reality is, the U.S. has become too expensive for many retirees without the necessary means to last their retirement in the United States. Many Americans simply cannot comfortably live on a fixed retirement income in the U.S., where the costs of housing and healthcare, especially, are becoming increasingly unaffordable. A...

The Right Terms Make for Better Investments

Savvy investors don’t think of real estate investing in linear terms. They think about it in multilinear terms. That’s because they’re not thinking of investing in a single property; they’re thinking of multiple properties and multiple streams of income to accelerate wealth. A new buzzword making the rounds in investment circles is the idea of velocitizing capital. The velocity of...

The Demand of Belize is Rising

In 2024, tourism in Belize will see unprecedented growth, making the country an absolute destination for both tourists and investors. In this regard, several vital statistics indicate a surge in demand and the performance of the robust tourism industry in the country. Historic High of Tourist Arrival... Belize has reached a historic high within the period of just one quarter of 2024,...

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